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Inspire.DIY Newsletter

I love writing and sharing my thoughts on how to remain self inspired at workplace, the place where we spend at least 50% of our lives .I have reasons to believe that the workplace is going through an Inspiration crisis! We are forever looking for things, or endorsements or validations from others to feel inspired. I think this is contradicting the very essence of inspiration. I believe that true and long lasting inspiration is only when we feel it from within ourselves. The self-coaching questions aid reflection and anchor progress towards being self inspired.

If you resonate with the above, then do subscribe to my Inspire.DIY newsletter where once a week I share 3 Self Coaching questions and some clarity that helps you to anchor and declutter your thoughts around a pertinent work-life topic.

Most of the concepts I write about aren’t my original. However, I do try to provide practical tips and ideas to make work and life more self-inspired. I dream of a world where we seek our inspiration from within, which is ever lasting and meaningful.

Get the “Inspire.DIY” weekly newsletter in your inbox.

3 questions to help you gain clarity on your work/life dilemmas!

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Leadership and Personal Impact Coach

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